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A storm swept across the sleeping city of Saline, slamming shutters and bringing torrential rains in its path. One man didn't sleep, a young thief by the name of Dalen. The storm had woken him, and he sat in bed, listening to the winds and rain. A loud clap of thunder sounded outside, startling him. He walked over to the window and looked out. Lamp light shown on the street corners, showing large puddles of muddy water. The rain fell in a steady downpour, causing water to run in small rivers down the middle of the streets. A lightning bolt streaked across the sky, and Dalen brought his head back in the window, in time to hear another thunderclap rock the city. Dalen pulled his clothes on, figuring it was close enough to morning, and walked out into the hallway. Walking past the other doors, where he new other thieves rested, he went down into the common room. The house he was staying in was one mentioned by the Dayman, the head of the thieves' guild during the day. The Nightman, who Dalen had yet to meet, ruled the night. The price for his room was small enough he could stay there easily, and the food wasn't so bad, being included with the room. A few early risers sat in the common room, already eating their breakfast. Dalen found a seat at an empty table, and waited on the serving woman to take his order. She walked over, smiled, and asked what he would like. She was pretty, and was a daughter of one of the thieves. She had a full head of blonde hair, which reached past her shoulders. Her blue eyes were light in color, and were highlighted by the blue dress she wore. With a small, pert nose, and large, red lips, she had caught the eye of many of the thieves living in the boarding house. Receiving free room and board for working as a server, she lived off her tips, and anything her father might bring her. Dalen placed his order, gave her a smile, and watched the swaying of her hips as she walked back into the kitchen. He turned back to surveying the room, and saw a man he had met a few days ago. Giving a small wave, the man smiled and waved back. He was tall, and had the nickname Fast Jack. With a quick wit and quicker tongue, he could get in trouble, but seemed nice enough to Dalen. He felt Fast Jack would be a good addition to his team, if he ever decided to build a new one. The serving girl came back and placed his food and drink on the table. Dalen looked up and asked, "I'm sorry, I've never gotten your name. Mine is Dalen." The girl looked him over, "Mine is Sarah. Nice to meet you." "That's a pretty name," said Dalen with a smile. "Well, I will let you get back to your work, I just wanted to introduce myself." Sarah smiled back, and walked over to Fast Jack's table to collect his plate. With a look back over at Dalen, she walked back into the kitchen. Fast Jack came over and sat at the table. "Looks like you made a friend," he laughed. "All I did was introduce myself, nothing more. Besides, I'm sure she has a number of men who walk out with her." "Maybe, but she might be looking for more. Anyway, just wanted to let you know that the Dayman is looking for someone willing to raid a temple. The pay is good, but I turned it down. While I may not be a religious man, I don't try to make any god angry with me." "Thanks for the information Jack. Maybe I'll look the job over, I could use the money." Jack nodded at him, and stood. "Well, I have a meeting over at the docks. I'll talk to you later." Dalen nodded, and Fast Jack walked out the door. He finished his meal, and stood. Well, no harm in seeing what the Dayman has, he thought. He walked to the Dayman's house, located a few blocks from the docks. Arriving, he said the password and walked into the thieves' den. It looked like usual, the Dayman sitting on a throne like chair, with different thieves and whores lining the walls. Dalen walked over to the Dayman, who looked up from his gold. "Ah, Dalen, how can I help you?" "Fast Jack said you had a job at a local temple, and I'm interested in it." The Dayman grabbed a paper from a table next to his chair, and looked it over. "Right, that's the job at the Temple of Saltur." "Saltur, that's the God of Death. How much are you willing to pay?" "Nervous, Dalen?" "Saltur makes everyone nervous. I try to stay on his good side." "Well, the pay is 100 gold." Dalen thought it over, and held out his hand. "Agreed, how long do I have to prepare?" The Dayman glanced back at his sheet, and raised his head, "one week. The treasure is a sacrificial dagger that's held in a chest near the middle of the temple. Sorry, we don't have a map of the temple. None of our guys have been brave enough to attempt the temple before." Dalen smiled, "maybe I'm not brave, just stupid." The Dayman laughed, and looked straight at him, "one week. I'll see you then." Dalen walked from the room, back to the streets. The press of humanity had definitely increased, and he was hounded from every side by sellers of this ware or that. He went back to his room at the thieves hostel, and grabbed his cloak, figuring it might be cold during the night. Then, with cloak in hand, he walked back into the streets, to find his way to the temple. Upon arriving, he began looking about for a place to spy out the temple. A small, abandoned shop lay across the street. Walking over, he went through the door after picking the lock, and made his way to a dusty window. After wiping a small spot in the grime-covered window, he looked across the street at the temple. Very few people came through the door, since it was, after all, the temple of the dead. Those few that came through were dressed in black, and Dalen felt they must be widows and widowers, praying for their beloved spouse, or maybe parents praying for a fallen child. After a few minutes of watching the guards and patrons, he decided that breaking in was impossible. He sat on a small chair by the window, and began thinking. After a few minutes, he had it. If he couldn't break in, he would just have to go in through the front door. Going back through the door, he locked it behind him. Walking over to the temple, he went straight into the building, with no more than a glance from the guards. Inside, he glanced around quickly, memorizing the layout of the building. There was a balcony that ran around the entire upper area, with stairs at either side. He had the problem solved within seconds of entering, walked to the altar, deposited a small copper in the plate, and left the building. He began walking back to the hostel, humming along the way. He new that more people would visit the house of the dead on Kinsday, to pray for their loved ones. That day was three days away, and he should be prepared by then. Upon arriving back at his room, he took enough gold to buy a black outfit, feeling the need to pray for fallen loved ones. After purchasing his outfit from a merchant, he went back to his room to wait. He decided that he needed a drink, so he left the hostel to go to his favorite inn, the one he had first stayed upon his arrival in Saline. When he got to the inn, it was fairly crowded. He motioned to the innkeeper, who came over with a smile on his face. "And how have you been, haven't seen you in over a week." "I've been good Garth. Just needing a drink." "Going on a job?" While Garth wouldn't admit to it, he knew his favorite customer walked the seedier side of life. "Not yet, but in a couple days. This one could be dangerous, so say a prayer to your favorite God for me." Garth smiled, "I will. Besides, I wouldn't want anything happening to my best customer." Dalen smiled back, and finished his drink. "Thanks," he said, and walked back into the city. Going to his room at the hostel, he decided to keep quiet, until the day of the robbery. While sitting in his room, there was a knock at the door. Dalen grabbed a knife from his pack, and walked to the door. "Who is it?" "The Dayman, let me in Dalen." Dalen opened the door, and the Dayman walked into the room. He looked at the knife in Dalen's hand, and said "no need to use that poker. I just came to check on your progress." He put the knife back in the pack, and motioned for the Dayman to take a seat on the chair across from his bed. The Dayman sat, "like I said, I was just checking on your progress. The Nightman really wants this dagger, so I want to make sure we can get it for him, understood?" Nodding, Dalen sat on the bed, and began reciting his plan. When he reached the end, the Dayman nodded, "sounds like a good plan. Did you take into consideration the guards stationed a few doors away?" Dalen said he had, and the Dayman nodded with satisfaction. He stood, and Dalen stood with him. "Well, I'll let you get back to work then. Good luck." Dalen smiled, and then asked in a polite voice, "I'm sorry Dayman, but I still haven't gotten your name. May I ask it?" The Dayman looked him over, then answered, "well, since you're one of us, I suppose I can give it to you. My name is Jordan, I won't give you my surname, at least until I know you better." "I understand Jordan. I just wanted to know." Walking to the door, Jordan looked back, "just make sure you don't go telling anyone my name, it could mean your life." Dalen nodded, and watched the Dayman walk through the door. He relaxed, realizing he had been tense throughout the entire meeting. I know what life means to someone like you, he thought, about the same as it means to me. Dalen dressed in some non-descript clothes. He took a slim dagger, and put it down his pant leg, out of sight. Walking from the room, he walked downstairs, waved goodbye to Sarah and entered the city. He strolled slowly, taking a chance to look at the city closely. It was clean, or at least as clean as most. The buildings were well spaced, giving enough room to be spacious, yet cozy. As he neared the temple, the buildings got closer together, and taller. He new that many of these buildings housed temple priests and other functionaries. At the temple, he walked through the door, into the main corridor. At the end, it opened into the sanctuary, with the balcony lining the upper section. He walked to the altar plate, and placed a small coin in, then walked to the back line of pews and sat. As he pretended to pray, he watched the guards around the room. They were relaxed, and focused mostly on the door. He stood from the pew, and noticed that not many watched, and started toward the balcony. One of the guards started from his position to stand in front of the door. "Sorry, no one except priests allowed upstairs." Dalen pulled a small scroll from his pocket, "for your High Priest. I'm just the messenger." The guard reached for the scroll, but Dalen pulled it out of reach. "I'm supposed to deliver it in person." The guard thought for a moment, then nodded, stepping out of the way. No one, especially a guard, dared defy the High Priest of Saltur. Dalen walked up the stairs, and down the balcony. Glancing back, he noticed that the guard was still watching. With a slight smile, he turned back toward the door at the end of the balcony, and continued walking toward it. Upon arriving, he knocked, then entered, closing the door behind him. Inside was a small hallway, with doors leading off both sides. He walked slowly, knowing the dagger had to be in one of these. He began checking all the doors, but they all lead into small cells, with cots against the far wall. The final door on the left opened into a small room with a window at the top of the back wall. He noticed it was filled with chests. Ah, he thought, surely the knife will be here. Closing the door behind him, Dalen took out a pick and began working on the chests. Jordan had explained what the dagger looked like, a small, black dagger with a silver handle and blue pommel stone. As he searched the chests, he pocketed a number of other treasures hidden within. Feeling he had enough, he focused on finding the dagger. He came to a small box near the back, with an ornate handle. He took out his pick, and after a few seconds, got it open. Inside, resting on a blue cushion was the dagger. It was worn, but he could tell the workmanship was of the highest quality. He took the dagger, and closed the box. He wrapped the dagger in a roll of white cloth, and tucked it inside his loose fitting shirt. As he turned to the door, a magical alarm began to sound throughout the temple. Oh no, he thought, then noticed a small door on the back wall. He rushed to it, and went through. It led to a small hallway with a door at the far end. He ran down the hall, and opened the door. Going through, he arrived at a flight of stairs that led to the street below. He heard the shouts of guards behind him, and quickly fled down the stairs and into a small alley running behind the temple. Running to the end of the alley, he entered the streets just as an arrow flew overhead and bounced off the wall across the way. He knew there were more guards in the houses around him, but he hoped he had enough of a head start to get past before they were alerted. He quickly moved down the street, leaving his pursers behind as he began going up and down different avenues to rid himself of those after him. After about thirty minutes of walking, he arrived at the Dayman's house, and gave the pass knock to enter. When he reached the Dayman's main room, he looked around. People, mostly thieves and whores, lined the walls, chatting with each other. A few he recognized, and he waved as he walked to where the Dayman sat. Jordan was surrounded by chests, full of differing treasure. Everything from jewels to small copper pieces filed the trunks. Jordan looked up, and saw Dalen. "Ah, so you have returned. Did you get the piece?" Dalen reached into his shirt, and took out the bundle. Unwrapping it, he produced the dagger and handed it to the Dayman, hilt first. The Dayman took the dagger and held it up to the light, studying the knife. After a few moments inspection, he put the dagger on a table next to him. "That's it," he said, "did you have any trouble?" "I tripped an alarm on the box it was in, but they couldn't catch me." "Hmm, well, no harm done I suppose. Here is the 100 gold I promised you." Jordan threw a small bag to him, which Dalen caught easily. He tucked it into a side pouch, and headed back to the city. When he arrived back at the hostel, Fast Jack was sitting in his normal spot, and motioned for Dalen to come over. He walked across the room, and took a chair at the table. "Heard there was a robbery at the Temple of Saltur. Seems someone took a sacrificial dagger from their treasure room." "News travels fast in this city," said Dalen. "That's what I thought, it was you wasn't it?" "Might as well tell you, I took it. Turned it into the Dayman for 100 gold." Fast Jack whistled, "good price. The temple is offering 50 gold for its return and the capture of the thief, just to let you know." "I'll keep that in mind, thanks Jack." Dalen stood, and went to his room. I had better stay off the streets for a while, he thought, at least until things cool off. After about a week, he went to Garth's inn, and took a seat at his normal table. Garth walked over, his apron wrapped around his abundant belly, and his normal smile on his face. "Morning Dalen, any news?" "No, not really, just thought I'd come over for some breakfast." Garth began wiping his table, then said "heard about the robbery over at the Temple of Saltur?" "I've heard of it." "You wouldn't know anything about that, would you?" Dalen smiled, "does that sound like something I would do? You know me better than that." Garth smiled back, "that's what I thought. I'll keep your secret though. What do you want?" "How about an ale and some breakfast?" Garth nodded, and walked back into the kitchen. He came back a few minutes later with a plate of sausage and eggs, and a mug of ale. Dalen took a long drink from the ale and sat back, relaxing. Just another day in the life of a thief, he thought, and fell to eating his breakfast. |
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